Tara Neighbourhood Centre
49 Day Street Ph 07 46653508
49 Day Street Ph 07 46653508
Centre Services
Tara Family Support Service
Rural Families Support
Tara 50 and Better Program
News & Events
Community Development

The Community Development Office is funded by the Department of Communities to provide a souce of information and referral, assistance to community groups to develop funding applications, assist families and individuals who access the centre, provide development & support to community groups and network with individuals and groups .

Community Development is about helping to enable the community to identify and address their needs and goals.

This program also provides the coordination of the Tara Neighbourhood Centre and its variety of programs and services.

The centre coordinator is Ros Wade and the Administration Officer is Tracy Wilson.  

Without the valuable support of volunteers this centre would not operate at the level it does and would not be able to provide the level of service that the community now experience.


If you have a complaint

If you have a complaint about the service that you receive at the Centre it is important that you let us know so that we can resolve it for you.

If it is about Centrelink the staff at the front counter can give you the Centrelink complaints number.  They may also be able to help you talk to centrelink if you have difficulties understanding what is being said.

If it is about the Centre then you can make your complaint to the Coordinator either verbally or in writing.  There are brocures at the front counter explaining the processes that are followed when complaints are received.     Be assured that you will be listened to.

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