Tara Neighbourhood Centre
49 Day Street Ph 07 46653508
49 Day Street Ph 07 46653508
Tara Family Support Service
Rural Families Support
Tara 50 and Better Program
News & Events
Community Development
Centre Services

*Emergency Relief*

Emergency Relief is availiable on:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between the hours of 1pm and 2pm only.
This service is only availiable for:
* Food parcels
* Food vouchers (limited use)
* Fuel voucher (maximum of $10)
* Some chemist scripts (referred by doctor)
* Furniture and clothing (in accordance with Lifeline policy)
* Telstra Assistance Vouchers (phone bills)

*Centrelink Agency*

Lodgement of all forms and identification/verification.
* Two dedicated centrelink phones
Internet and computer access
* Assistance to complete forms
           Self-service available from 1 July for lodgement of    
         earnings etc.  -  Register now - Staff can help you do this.

*Adult Community Education Program*

Provides members of the community with the opportunity to improve their:
* Reading
* Writing
* Numeracy
* Basic computer skills
* NEC Broadband for Seniors program

No age limit but participants must have exited the school system.   

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